/ Main / Griffith Observatory --> All City Toy Ride

Griffith Observatory --> All City Toy Ride

  • Bike ride
  • Friday, 10 December 2010

Each year in December, the Midnight Ridazz bike community comes together to collect toys for charity. Smaller rides start all over the Los Angeles area, meet near downtown, and then ride together to a big party. Riders are each asked to bring an unopened toy.

The idea behind this is that the multiple local rides make it easier for people from across the city to attend the one big ride and event, thereby collecting toys from more people. There are rides from Hollywood, from Santa Monica, the Valley, Long Beach -- all over.

But, for some people, convenience is not really what they are looking for. To get them excited, they want adventure and exploration, not ease. For those people (people like me), I organized this ride. It started at a decidedly inconvenient meeting point, Griffith Observatory, and then took a very much less-than-direct route to Olvera Street, where we met the other rides.

Route map

Original ride post


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